“Feathered” commissioned by the EveryPeople Workshop

You said I should have an opinion and then you stopped saying anything so I picked one and wrote it on my pillow and I slept and I dreamed you had a face like a fish and wings and you had a tail like a snake’s whole body is a tail and I had a jar full of coins and it turned into a jar full of water so I’ve decided that when I wrote Yes I meant you are green and feathered and I want to help you save you.
This very short story called “Feathered” was published on the EveryPeople Workshop’s website. The story was commissioned as a part of the Very Short Stories series curated by John Sutton. Every story is less than one hundred words!
EveryPeople is a great arts and music group based in Chicago. If you’d like to know more you can read my article on this group on New Music Box.
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